“On Starting New Things and Continuing The Old”
November 7, 2013

Written by Doug Perkins

Hi Everyone,

Well, it‘s starting to get colder in my part of the globe (or at least as cold as it ever gets in Los Angeles), and the fall/winter is always the time when I start new things – possibly due to being born then, who knows? But, besides starting NEW things, we all have to KEEP ON KEEPING ON with what we have been doing that is positive, which isn’t really as easy as starting things, right? I have a saying that I have made up about life that applies: “The journey of a thousand steps begins with but one, but the hard ones are 2 through 497.” 

Let’s face it, the music stores are FULL on a Saturday afternoon with people that have STARTED to play music, they just quit at some point or another and never achieved what they wanted to do, and now just prop up the musical instrument industry (which keeps prices low for the rest of us, so thanks!). But I think that most of the people on the JGS mailing list are people that have actually achieved a pretty high level of ability comparatively speaking on our instruments, so the issue is to keep yourself challenged and keeping growing, which is why we are all here, right?

So when I saw this great video from my Face Book friend master flamenco guitarist Ruben Diaz from Spain on this subject (which let’s face it, crosses all genres and disciplines of art and artists in general), I had to ask him if I could include the link to it in this newsletter, if you like what you read and want to know more about him, you can friend him on FB here: https://www.facebook.com/ruben.diaz.798

“How to Continue Playing” – Ruben Diaz

Have a great fall/winter season of both starting new things and “continuing” as well 😉 Speaking of Face Book, here is my birthday wish that I use with musicians there which I think applies really well to this topic, let it be so with all of you as well:

May the 12 notes continue to dance in your hands,

Doug Perkins


Nov. 7, 2013

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